What’s the difference between branding & marketing?

Both branding & marketing are essential parts of running a business & generating sales 💸, but it can be difficult to get your head around the difference because in some ways they are overlapping terms.


However, effective marketing is underpinned by carefully considered branding & if you're not currently seeing the results you'd like to see from all of the hard work you put into your marketing…


….understanding the difference between the two may be the key 🔐 to unlocking more sales/leads for your business.

Firstly though, we need to get clear on some other key terms 👇

Business vs Brand

Your business is made up of all of the things you need to do to make money & keep your business afloat!


Whilst your brand is the personality of your business. It’s who you are, what you believe in, why you do what you do - therefore, it underpins how you communicate with your customers.

Brand Strategy vs Brand Visuals

Brand Strategy = who your brand is & what it stands for (AKA your brands personality 💃🕺🧘‍♀️👩‍🏫)


Brand Visuals = tools you use to communicate your brands personality (eg. Logo, colours, photography, typography ect.)

Branding vs Marketing

Both your brand visuals & your marketing are tools used to communicate who you are and what you do with your customers/community - however, these are communicated in a slightly different way.


Brand visuals 👀 - Communicate your brands personality through visuals (eg. logo, fonts, colours, brand photography ect.).

Marketing 🤳- Communicates both your brands personality & what you do via additional forms of messaging (whether that’s through video, written or visual content)

A simpler way to think about this is that your branding communicates who you are & your marketing shows what you do.


Your brand strategy (brands personality) is woven in to both your marketing AND your brands visuals (….as well as your products & services too - but we’ll save that for another day!).

Why does this matter?

Without a clear brand strategy, your brands visuals and marketing may feel a bit flat & lacking in personality which is crucial for building an emotional connection with your customers 💗.

Marketing without branding will tell people that your products exist, but you’ll have to work 10x harder trying to make a sale.

This is because your customers need to know what you sell/how they’ll benefit from it whilst also wanting to build a personal connection with you in some way (whether that’s through shared values, interests, beliefs or goals.


You’ve probably heard the phrase “people buy from people” & the way you can do this is by turning your business into a brand!

Build Your Brand in 30 Days
Quick View
Build Your Brand in 30 Days

The “Build Your Brand in 30 Days” pack gives you everything you need (all in one place!) to develop your brand strategy (AKA your brand personality 💃) & set your business up for long-term success!

Broken down into daily tasks and activities (along with explanations & worksheets) the pack guides you through the exact steps you need to take to build a brand full of personality that aligns with your values & attracts your dream customers 👯!

The pack is specifically designed for small business owners & personal brands who are in need of a clear & easy-to-follow framework to help them develop their brand strategy (including examples for both product based & service based businesses throughout the pack)

🏆 By the end of the 30 days you’ll gain a clear understanding of:

  • "Who" your brand is & what it stands for (your vision, mission & brand values)

  • What makes you different to other brands in your industry (industry research & USP)

  • Who your ideal customer/ target audience is & how to connect with them on a deeper level

  • What you need to say to market your products & services effectively (Client/customer analysis & marketing scripts/ frameworks)

  • Your future goals & long-term vision for your brand

  • How to build a business that aligns with your personal values & helps you to work towards your lifestyle goals


5 Reasons why you should start building your brand (today!)


The Biggest Branding Mistake I see Small Business Owners Make…