Small Biz Starter Kit

Everything you need to get your business up and running with strategic visuals to attract your dream customers!

This package includes all of the branding fundamentals you need to establish the face of your brand, including logo designs, brand colours, and brand fonts.

The process begins by completing a brand questionnaire, to help me learn more about your vision, goals & style preferences.

From there, we’ll work together to curate your unique brand identity that reflects who you are & what you stand for so you can start connecting with your dream customers right from the day you launch!

  • Item description

Brand Guidelines

Logo Design

Brand colours

Brand Fonts

Brand Guidelines ✹ Logo Design ✹ Brand colours ✹ Brand Fonts ✹


What will it help you to achieve?

Gain confidence when showing up for your business

…. & signal to your audience that you’re serious about what you do!

Professionally designed brand visuals help you to go from feeling like a hobbyist/side-hustler to feeling like the owner of a “proper” brand.

Build trust & brand recognition through cohesive visuals .

If you started your business taking a DIY approach to your visuals to get things off the ground…. but now everything feels like a chaotic mis-match of colours & Canva templates - the Starter Kit will help you to establish a strong & cohesive look to your brand.

Make decisions about what your offer & gain clarity over your business.

The brand questionnaire & design process as a whole will help you to reflect on what kind of business you really want to build & make decisions about your vision for the future of your brand.


Small Biz Growth Kit

The growth kit is designed to help you gain clarity over who your brand is & what it stands for so you can streamline your messaging & build a deeper connection with your dream customers!

This kit includes all of the branding essentials you’ll find in my starter kit with additional templates & tools to help you develop your brand strategy & marketing messaging so you can promote your products & services with clarity & ease.

  • Item

  • Item description

Brand Guidelines

Logo Design

Packaging Design

Social Media Templates

Brand Guidelines ✹ Logo Design ✹ Packaging Design ✹ Social Media Templates ✹


What will it help you to achieve?

Reduce overwhelm & stop overthinking when it comes to your marketing!

Reduce overwhelm when it comes to marketing with a marketing script that lays out exactly what you need to say to market your products in a way that speaks directly to your dream customers!

Build a deeper connection with your dream customers

With this package I’ll help you to identify your customers core desires & what they need to hear/see from you in order to connect with you on a deeper level.

Gain clarity over who your brand is & what it stands for

We’ll work together on key aspects of your brand strategy like your brand values & archetype to help you gain clarity over who your brand is & what it stands for!